Friday, August 9, 2013

Hazel from A Joyful Noise has again influenced me to write a reflection about Treasure this time. We nourish our body with food..but on the other hand its not only our body...I decided to leave the kitchen and take time to write my post..for the meantime its all about me.
My post:
When I was a child, I thought of treasure as bars of gold...bunch of coins and jewelries. As I grow up I saw big houses, beautiful cars, trendy clothes and everything that money can buy. Oh, these are real treasures, I told myself. Well that was a long long time ago and nowadays still there's no bars of gold in my house and I don't mind at all because I know that...
A child will understand later that its not the big house, its not the comfort of life but instead its care and concern that matters most and that is love. Can you buy love? No
Being deprived of material things as a child does not necessarily mean you are hungry of treasures but instead it will shape your moral values for money. Selflessness is such a human treasure and greediness kills
Parents may be a source of pain, your childhood may be blurred but you are what you are, a child of god and no one could take that away from you.
One can always manage to lead a better life, its a matter of choice. Life may be tough but you can always redirect the course of your life. Your choices will have a great impact on your life be it good or bad.
Along the way, you met people, its not easy to be in this world, people come and go, and sometimes or most of the time, they will hurt you and judge you, use you or abuse your kindness. But still there are plenty of souls everywhere, friendship is a gift, its a treasure.
My family is worthy of every effort that I am doing and they enjoy my presence in their lives.
These are major treasures that I encountered as I walk the road ahead. Our patterns of life may differ from one another. Our experiences varies but in the end we are bound to experience treasures . Real treasures are the joy within our soul because we have made them and its not about money. Real treasure is us.. our very own heart, our very own capabilities, our very own faith...these treasures starts with us.
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