I always wanted a porch in my house.Even as a child, I dreamed of having one in our family home. In my own solitary world of childhood I wish I could just sit and play on the porch. But I grew up in a place without a porch. I got married, got a house but still has no porch. We sold our house and lot and eventually bought a new location to build our new house which I definitely intend to include a porch. But before it could happen, we moved into another country and guess what? In a place where me and my family lives still we don't have a porch! Why can't I have one? In as much as I wanted to, it is always not possible. As I travel the road of life, I tend to see what I long for. Sometimes these things are so abstract that I could only hope for. The other side of it are those things that worth all the money. Material possessions in this world are constant yearnings and I believe I am not the only one. Yet, in the midst of it, life has taught me to value the abstract and it taught me not to slave myself with the constant yearning of material possessions. Tell me why can't I have a porch?...a plain and simple porch where I could sit, relax, watch sunrise and sunset while drinking my favourite coffee.
Until one day, I decided to take a seat and thought all about it. Yes, I have a porch. I have myself and its my porch. When everything else fails, when I need to cry, when I need a shoulder to lean on...when there is no one to turn to...I have myself, my spirit who lifts me up and always tell me that everything is gonna be alright. Myself, taught me that I have to deal with my 40 something syndrome with positive energy and to reinforce my strengths once more. I have my set of weaknesses but that doesn't destroy my porch. My porch all the while is strong, cemented in my faith and while I look up there...or watching beyond the outside of my porch..I see life.. I see greens.. yellow and orange..the colours of rainbow. I am myself, my own porch and out there is God who promised to take care of me and my yearnings. In the end I found a porch, a peaceful porch and my goal is to take care of my porch because I know its precious and its a gift from God.
Dear God,
Teach me the ways on how to take care of my porch
Make it open and trusting to your desires
Rebuild me and allow me to change
Let me see the goodness, open my eyes
Refill me with your love
Make me appreciative, generous and thankful
For I have nothing, I am nothing if my own porch is empty.
This post has been entered in “Changing the World One Word at a Time” Please visit and check out the other great posts at:http://peterpollock.com/2011/07/porch-blog-carnival/
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